Sunday, February 15, 2009

How to relieve boredom

Let's face it, boredom is boring. A general lack of things to do is often the cause of it, and so I introduce to you my top tips for boredom avoidance. Any comments I receive that have awesomeness in tip form shall be added to the bottom of this article - so look out for them!

5. Exercise
4. Movies
3. Blogging
2. Randomail!
1. Wittypedia

5. Exercise
I don't normally put my lists into too specific an order but this is definitely at the lower end of the list for a reason! Exercise is good for you and gets you out of the apartment but, let's face it, is a last resort for the terminally bored. It is highly effective though as, when I'm doubled over in pain with stomach cramps i find it very hard to feel bored too.

4. Movies
Depending on how bored you are, this may work. I suggest renting something new or going to the cinema over watching familiar DVD's. Try to find something frothy and light or exciting as dramas tend to be depressing and may in fact highlight the boredom you are feeling.

3. Blogging
Blog like the wind! Although try not to blog about how bored you are as that'd be boring to read and may increase the number of bored people in the world (although the thought of so many other bored people may make you feel slightly better about yourself so go ahead). I chose to blog about my top 5 things to do when bored... but bored people may find this sort of thing too much hard work.

2. Randomail!
A game of my own invention. For the dirty minded amongst you it has nothing to do with being randy, sorry. It's all about being random.
The idea is simply to think of a nice name or strange combination of words that pleases you and then put them into the format of an email address. Then compose a lovely email about how you are writing to them to let them know how much you like their email address and offer your hand in friendship or just wish them a lovely day - you can even refer them to this blog so they can see why you did it. Then send it and see if it bounces. If you find an address that works you then have the thrill of seeing whether they reply (don't get your hopes up!)

1. Wittypedia
There are others out there, but by far the newest and least tainted of the funny encyclopaedia's is
You can either read the terribly humorous articles (well, some articles are just terrible) to alleviate your boredom or, if you're feeling very bored or extremely witty you can write your own.
You just have to create a free login account to gain access to editing functions but then you can add pages as you like.
I personally like to pick a subject and come up with a slightly less than truthful but satirical article (as long as it makes me laugh I'm happy)... others like to write nonsense. It's fun!


  1. Instructions like this are useful, now to relieve boredom is an easy job with the help of your advice. Kudos
